
  • Al-akhirah = life after death
  • Essential for Muslims to believe - doubters are considered unbelievers
  • The number one topic in Islam is Judgement day
  • Earthly life is a preparation for the afterlife
  • Quran teaches life after death - comes directly from God
  • A just God must have an afterlife
  • This life is a test - jihad = trying to overcome these difficulties

When will it come?

  • Allah’s choosing
  • Individuals shape their souls with the deeds they do
  • Allah will judge their souls at death
  • Qiyamma = Judgement day: an angel will blow his trumpet, the earth will be destroyed, people will be resurrected and called to account, and the first will be Muhammad.
  • Good faithful people go to heaven (Garden of Paradise), nonbelievers to hell


  • After death, you are resurrected. This is what happened to Jesus, and they believe this is evidence that it will happen to others.
  • Jesus was resurrected on the 3rd day, was seen walking around, could be heard and his friends recognised him immediately.
  • They believe life after death will involve judgement (“Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life” Matt 25:46).
  • The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats and The Rich Ma and Lazarus.


  • No real idea of resurrection because to have a soul meant to be animated with life - e.g. Adam
  • Prophets Elijah and Elisha raised people to life - but back to an earthly life not raised into a spiritual body.

The Book of Daniel

  • One of the latest books in Jewish scripture, around 165 BCE
  • Jews were being persecuted - maybe belief in life after death gave them hope
  • Pharisees taught yes to life after death, Sadducees said no

“Apocalyptic - Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt” (Daniel 12:2)

Moses Maimonides

  • 12th Century philosopher and rabbi
  • Lived in Spain, influenced by Islam and Aristotle, supported the viva negativa.
  • 13 main principles of Jewish faith - resurrection is the 13th:

    “I believe with perfect faith, that there will be resurrection of the dead, at the time which pleases the Creator. Blessed by His name, and may His remembrance arise forever and ever.” (Moses)

Messianic Age

  • Belief held by some Jews
  • Rabbis taught this would be a spiritual resurrection - no need for bodies
  • Others said that the dead bodies would come from the graves to live on earth in a perfect form