• Privacy in terms of BLE devices focuses on ensuring that untrusted parties are not able to track a device by its Bluetooth address
  • Privacy is achieved by using a resolvable private address

Privacy Process for BLE

  1. An IRK (Identity Resolving Key) is used in generating and resolving the Resolvable Random Private Address
  2. The IRK is generated by each device locally either randomly or assigned during manufacturing
  3. During bonding each device stores its peer’s IRK in what’s called a revolving list
  4. The IRK is used to resolve the private address of a peer device (when it receives the peer’s advertising packets at a later time) which is done by verifying that the hash included in the private address matches the output of the local has

Device Trust

  • A trusted device can bond with another. Binding is an optional step that takes place after pairing two devices
    • The bonding process involves the storage of keys by each of the devices that are bonded with each other
    • Bonding allows two devices to pair seamlessly in connection subsequent to the original connection when the two devices were paired
    • One of the keys exchanged by the two bonded BLE devices is the IRK of each device involved