Freud’s view

For Sigmund Freud, the body’s most basic drive is sex or libido.

  • Babies:
    • Libido centred around mouth and desire to suckle mother’s breast
  • Child - Adult:
    • Libido centres on reproductive organs and the desire to reproduce
    • Our first memory is our conception and being breastfed, but this is repressed.
    • This leads to hostile feelings towards the same-sex parent

Jung’s view

  • Central to Carl Jung’s ideas is the concept of libido - the basic drive in all of us to be fulfilled in life. It is a “great river of energy” that is not exclusively sexual in origin.
  • Religion plays an important part in becoming a healthy individual - the development of an individual’s potential.
  • Religion is a natural process stemming from the archetypes in the unconscious mind. Removing it could be detrimental as it harmonises the psyche.